Walking today

The route I took today was out near Kirkby Green.

Lincolnshire sky
Lincolnshire sky
Hiking lunch
Hiking lunch

I found a spot out of the wind – after the rain stopped – for lunch. Tinned mushroom soup, buttered sourdough bread and coffee. The smoke was because I used some hexamine solid fuel tablets to heat the soup and water, but once I used them I remembered why they we still in my fuel box several years after I had bought them.

Compared to the Fire Dragon gel fuel the hexamine tablets gave off pungent fumes and left a sooty residue on the mugs and stove. OK for a standby, lasts forever, fuel but not for everyday use anymore. The British Army used it for years and the first outdoors stove I bought when I was at school, from the military surplus department in Millers of Grays, was an army folding cooker which included eight large blocks of hexamine.

Hiking haversack load out​
Hiking haversack load – including a lightweight poncho
Finnish Haversack
Finnish Haversack
Lincolnshire sky
Lincolnshire skies
Lone tree in the style of Ansel Adams
Lone tree in the style of Ansel Adams