Photos 2015

“photo a day” project for 2015

Something new… @OctagonT

Something new... iPhone 6S

If I can get this new phone set up tonight, this will be the last “photo of the day” taken on the iPhone 5.

The challenge is that I am away for a couple of days on a course in Bath and I only have my Windows 10 tablet with me. I have installed iTunes on it and my iTunes database is on a removable hard drive. My problem may be that I have a single USB port on a dongle for the tablet and things will have to work with a USB hub I have packed.

If things do not work out then this will be the last but one photo taken on my iPhone 5!

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Office 365 – @OctagonT

So far today I have been sorting out an issue a client is having with their Office 365 subscription. Microsoft has done away with the plan the client was using and Microsoft have auto-renewed them into a new plan. Sounds OK except the licenses on the PCs are not updating correctly! So now we are fixing the issue.

Office 365 - @OctagonT

Even though there are the occasional issues with it, I still think Office 365 is a great product. At Octagon Technology we use it fully, across all the devices we use including iOS, Android and Linux, using all the tools including OneDrive, Skype and our favourite app OneNote. One if the best things about it is that we are not now asked to keep reinstalling Office from a CD, where the licenses have already been used, that is being passed around an office!

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